Social Media Strategy for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Reaching an Inaccessible Market on Social Media
/In my capstone social media strategy class, my two teammates and I were confronted by Playmates Toys, Inc. to develop a social media strategy for their line of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures, costumes and accessories. The catch? There are a boatload of restrictions and laws that make it very difficult to market to children online. Plus, preschoolers aren’t really on social media. In the course of ten weeks, my team and I conducted primary and secondary research and ultimately developed a handful of integrated strategies to push past the many barriers and engage not only preschoolers on social media, but their parents, too.
Check out the pitch deck we presented to the TMNT marketing team to see how we leveraged different social media platforms, influencers and improved web flow to reach new audiences on social media: